Services are offered in three primary business areas:
1. Business marketing and creative services including writing related to corporate mission statements, media services, marketing communications, product / service descriptions, management announcements, corporate documentation, corporate presentations, event production services including the staging of events.
2. Business delivery services including management consulting, product sourcing, quality audit and related quality management services.
3. Professional training and management coaching services including soft skills educational programs for professional development with a specific focus on language development, public speaking skills, the cross-culture gap, ethics issues and human resource strategies.
The principal and founder, James McGeough (click here for resume) has significant experience in most aspects of business and is personally responsible for service delivery with all clients, either directly or providing oversight and management on all projects. Click here to contact James
Our mission is to assist you to achieve your business objectives in both local and global markets, reduce your operating costs and retain your talent!
All services are delivered in English and attendees in language programs can test their English Level at the following Link: Cambridge English Test
Some clients include:
Cathay Asia Inc. 615 Bennington Lane, Silver Spring MD 20910 USA
USA Tel: +1-720-863-2450 Fax: +1-720-863-2450 CHINA Tel: +86-512-6762 8870 or GSM: +86-1377 179 8600
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